As most of you have already recognized and reminisced, in the background is the
Wyandotte County Fair Grounds in Kansas City, Kansas home to the
2004 Missouri Gay Rodeo (true fucking story, click the
link). Now, I don't mind calf-roping nancyboys or queens in spurs
or fags on stags or 10 gallon hatted homos, but for the love of AZT, bring the fucking Missouri Gay Rodeo home. While I am no ranch hand
myself, I am 100% absolutely HIV positive that no self-respecting, self-felching, Show-Me state cattle rustler would be caught dead riding in
Jayhawk Country. Have some pride ladies.
Speaking of being caught dead in Kansas, here's a recipe to fuck up your life:
1. Steal a car.
2. Get in a high speed chase with the cops.
3. For good measure, run over and kill a cop.
4. Enjoy years of forced sweet beautiful anal lovemaking.
5. Apply for parole when you're
about 60.
June 1998, Michael Turckes helps Tracy
Markee launch Operation Lifelong Sodomy by stealing a car. Markee gets pursued by cops and they trap him near the building you see above.
Sargent Rick Asten lays down some road spikes. And, just in case it isn't a felony
case already, Markee decides not only to run over the road spikes and the median, but Sargent Asten as well.
Boring part of the story short, Asten gets a cross in front of where men who
mount other men come together once a year to mount barnyard animals and while Markee is up for the death penalty, he only gets a sentence that
puts him in jail until 2031. Then he is up for parole.