The Poo That Keeps On Giving

The giving continues. First I open this blog and regal you all with wonderful anecdotes about my shit and how blogs suck. Then I create a crap calculator so everyone in the world can calculate theirs or another’s lifetime shit production. Next I start a shitty social networking project by swallowing, shitting and reintroducing into […]

6 Degrees Of Smoke Up Your Ass

You ever Wikipedia surf? Just throw caution to the wind and start with one article on Wikipedia and just go where the links take you? Before you know it you’ve learned a little something about Mt. Kilimanjaro, oral sex, the Pythagorean thereom, ectopic pregnancies, Pete Rose, egg recipes, and the Legislature of Chile. Possibly, in […]

Encylocpedic Shit

What kind of hubris does it take to be the guy who writes the Wikipedia article on ‘shit’? Or god forbid someone who came along later, read it, found errors or omissions that were so glaring in it that it inspired them to edit it? Or worse still, the unwitty fuck who thought they could […]

Fuck caution. I say err on the side of wishing violent gang rape upon someone and their children and for them all to contract AIDS because of it.