Actually, My Shit Don’t Stink

Lee Greenwood, you need to get off your ass and add like 7 new verses to your song. This country just keeps getting better and better. From: I came across a page where you explained and sold Elimina. I was wondering if this is safe for human consumption and would it work on humans? […]


In some cultures the shape, size and smell of ones crap determines the status of an individual within their society. In some other societies you can make up random shit about shit and stupid fucks will not only believe it but probably recite it as fact to others. Which society is truly more advanced? It’s […]

Almost every creature group has a name: school of fish; pride of lions; murder of crows. Almost all. To go with flocks, gaggles, covens, herds, colonies, troops, pods and blooms; I now give you the 'jason'. As in "Oh shit, the Special Olympics van just pulled up; here comes a jason of retards". I'm what you call a low self-esteem narcissist.