Viva The Revolution

2 weeks ago we made Blogger our bitch and brought her to her knees when everyone in the world registered for and got an account and just posted: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em;then drown the motherfuckers in their own piss. Now we are attacking Twitter. Sign up for an account and just tweet: […]

Prima Facie Shitty Blog

Twitter has a blog. Thats like finding out the skanky girl in high school who you hated because she was such a bitch turned out to be an anal porn star who flaunts and lords her misachieved popularity over people who are disgusted by it. Technically its not changed anything, you just feel a little […]

Breaking News: The News Suck Ass

A-fucking-mazing. I watch the local newscasts by flipping among the 4 local T.V. stations from 10:05 until 10:12. The first 5 minutes is weather, what’s coming up in the weather later in the newscast and shots of reporters live on location in front of places that had something happen there 10 hours ago giving you […]

When presented with a difficult decision turn to Jesus and remember his famous words: 'What's in it for me?'