I Wish I Couldn’t Tell Idiots Like You To Suck My Balls

Oh its just killing you isn’t it. You know what you think the answer is and want to write me to set me straight. Well I know what you are going to say and you’re a fucking idiot too. I told you yesterday and I will say it again today: There’s no reason for my […]

My External Genitalia Can Kiss My Ass

I really need to bring a book into the bathroom. Or remember to grab the remote. Or maybe bring a sandwich in there with me. Everytime I shit and get bored, like any normal person would, I start gazing admiringly at my amazing cock. Then I just end up getting pissed. First circumcision, now this. […]

Literally every retarded, and I do mean retarded, 18-year old citizen has a say in our government. It's unfunny because its true.