My Honorary MBA

My honorary MBA campaign was a huge fucking success. Oh wait, let me rephrase that. As us with MBA’s say—my ambitious pursuance of an exalted academic objective flourished beyond my initial eminent aspirations. Hell fuck yeah. First and penultimately, I got the 3rd ranked MBA school in the 2009 Us News and World Reports Business […]

Baby, I Know You Only Lie And Hit Me Because You Love Me

Now I know what a battered wife feels like. I’m hurt, pissed, vengeful and above all, I’ve fallen deeper in love with them the shittier they treat me. A few weeks ago I mailed (via the U.S. Post Office–we really need a better term than ‘snail mail’ for this) about 35 letters offering various educational […]

MBA Here I Come

My motivation in life to do something is a function of how retarded people will think I am for doing it, how easy it is and the satisfaction I would get from the range of outcomes it produces. The more stupid an idea, the less I have to work to achieve it and the more […]

The Null Blog

Oh Sweet Lord Almighty Fuck. I did it, I finally found a blog better than the one post wonders who have had the glorious distinction of winning a Intermittently Bestowed Shitty Blog Award. What could be more shittier than a blog that someone took the time to set up, make only one post and […]

Everytime I see a balding, 500 lb piece of shit with eczema eating Cinnabon, smoking a cigarette and hobbling in line outside GameStop to get the latest WOW expansion; I just can't stop thinking to myself, 'That, came out of someone's vagina'.