Humanity’s Greatest Accomplishment

Ok class, we’ve done it for my lifetime and we’ve done it for humanity on a worldwide level for one day. Now we are doing it for the entire population ever. We are answering the ultimate question raised by crapometry: How much shit have humans produced in our existence? I mean, it’s got to be […]

Humanity’s Crapacity

Ok, I’ve done a lot to advance the knowledge of microcrapology, letting everyone calculate how much they shit in a day, week, month etc. Now, let’s take it to the next level. We’re going macro. Specifically, current daily macro–How much shit does the current human population of the Earth produce each day? Of course, to […]

Sdyexliaa is a fncya meda-up wdro taht soochl cnuoselros sue so taht tehy d'not hvae to llet teh paertsn of spuitd, illertiate kdis that tierh kids aer stpudi illitreaets.