Retards Say The Darndest Things

You do realize that the ‘www’ in front of the url your blog on means ‘world wide web’ right? Your story doesn’t have to be that way. You do realize that you control that fact that I am able to read and use your own writings to mock you right? They make books you can […]

The Watching Paint Dry Divorce Blog

It’s still divorce blog week on the plog. That’s right, take some time out of your busy day to look at pictures of my shit, be amused by the general idea that tons of people actually want to share their divorce with the world and be endlessly entertained by the specific stories these dipshits […]

Do You Like Pina Coladas?

Fuck you and your intellectual uppitiness. I unapologetically and without embarrassment love reality TV shows. Double fuck you to all you pretentious fucks who claim to not watch TV at all. I even love the obviously scripted reality shows—I can suspend my disbelief like nobody’s business. There’s something about knowing that people’s actions don’t exist […]

Say what you will about older generations, but give them their due: They're our medical genuiea pigs