Burn Your Asshole Shut

Continuing on with my scarred cock. Isn’t circumcision awesome? I mean really, my mom could have taken 9 seconds everyday out of her lazy whore life to properly clean me, but instead deemed it better to chop a piece of my dick off. I know what you are thinking and you couldn’t be more wrong. […]

Illogical Logic

As I was pounding out today’s loaf, I looked down and realized that my cock is an excellent case study in the sheer awesomeness of our government. First and foremost, I am not one of those idiots who think of myself a genius because I can point out logical flaws in the application of our […]

Fuck you 3 generations back. Your Irish, Italian, German, French and all other European heritage pride can suck my circumcised American dick. I'm 3/4 Missourian and 1/4 Connecticuter. My grandmother came over on the Amtrak motherfucker.