Self-Fulfilling Shitty Blog Post, Deux

Sorry its been so long since I last posted, but like I said, I just don’t shit on Saturdays. Maybe I was raised wrong, maybe I’m just not living up to my full shitting potential, maybe gorging on Velveeta smothered porterhouses every Friday isn’t such a great gastronomical decision. Who knows. What I do know, […]

The Payoff

Holy balls of chocolate covered cum I am witty. A blog post about blog posts that talk about the trouble with blogging that is interrupted because I had trouble blogging. Then I follow it up with a blog post about the trouble I am having writing my post about blogs writing posts about having trouble […]

Genius In The Works

Sorry, something fucked up with the end of the last post, I will fix it in a minute.

The Cirlce Of Shit

Now, I may be dating myself (possibly date raping myself if I don’t willingly give it up—of course have you seen how I dress? I’m usually asking for it) but remember in the mid-90’s when everyone was getting rich by selling phone cards? Well, maybe not the rich part, but everyone was selling them. Hawking […]

138th Shitty Thing About Blogs

Oh man, I thought of something super shitty about blogs. As usual I won’t just be bitching about it, but doing it. This porkjerky plog classic originally ran 8 days ago. Enjoy. Look at that. That’s some mighty fine shitting my friends. That turd’s going up on my refrigerator. It doesn’t happen often, but when […]

Self-Fulfilling Shitty Blog Post

Oh man, my birthday post is going to be awesome. I am working on it now and its sweet. Super duper mega kick ass awesome. The kind of awesome that’s illegal now because it has been shown to grow cancerous tumors the size of papayas in lab rats and because of the terrorists and because […]

Literally every retarded, and I do mean retarded, 18-year old citizen has a say in our government. It's unfunny because its true.