Internet Ads For All

Well that’s why. In embracing the shitfucks of the world and starting my Blogger blog, I came to understand why everyone has ads on their blogs and thinks they can make a crapton of money from them: Because Blogger makes it simple and tells them they can. There’s no conflict of interest there. If an […]

The Revolution Begins

After a long day of crying, cutting my arms, pushing down old ladies at the grocery store, setting out pools of anti-freeze at the dog park and just generally trying to console myself after finding out my ingenious idea of methodically hunting down and ritualistically killing every blogger on Blogger wouldn’t work to clean up […]

The Blogs That Wouldn’t Die

Motherfucker damn it shit cock piss whore. This is why I will never go on a horrendous mass killing spree. You can’t spend months and years, wondering if McDonald’s is the right hamburger joint to shoot up, planning what day to do it on, researching what caliber machine gun to use, contemplating if breakfast or […]

Somewhere, somehow, communism is rolling over in its grave, jacking off and laughing at us.