The Blogs That Wouldn’t Die

Motherfucker damn it shit cock piss whore. This is why I will never go on a horrendous mass killing spree. You can’t spend months and years, wondering if McDonald’s is the right hamburger joint to shoot up, planning what day to do it on, researching what caliber machine gun to use, contemplating if breakfast or […]

Masters Of Shitty Blog Administration

You got assholes in with my douchebags. No, you got douchebags in with my assholes. Its bad and then worse, all at the same time. Like puking all over yourself. Like nails on a chalkboard while you are chewing on tinfoil. Like the doctor accidentally crushing your nuts during your rectal exam. Like dating a […]

In some cultures a boy isn't a man until he decapitates and abdomen-rapes his first hooker. Think about that, and decide for yourself if our society is really that advanced.