Blogs Suck Ass

All Pooped Out

I have an absolutely irrational fear. Far more frightful than my fear of popular success. Luckily this ultimate fear of mine has a zero chance of happening. It still keeps me up at night though. I am totally terrified, even speaking about it makes me cringe, that somehow, someway something I say or do will […]

Just Shut Up And Get Off The Internet

Its my 0th annual Closing My Blog Closing-My-Blog Post . This is the time of year where I sit around with my dick in my hand, remind you this shit sucking blog is closing in a week and poke fun at blogs who felt the need to make posts about how they were/are closing their […]

Christianity, It’s For The…Well You Know

At first I thought it was a tired, shitty Christian metaphor. You know, something about soaring with God or how we all need Jesus in our nests or how the holy spirit is there to preen us and regurgitate sustenance into our mouths or how god indiscriminately shits all over our freshly washed cars. But […]

Turd Burglars Beware

Turns out raping that fat chick is a better alternative to stealing some petty bloggers shitty post. Yesterday I was amused by bloggers who put inane copyright notices on their sites. They were worried about having their vapid content being stolen. That’s equivalent to having an alarm system installed in your home because you were […]

Solving Problems That Do Not Exist

When it comes to ignorant disillusionedness only fat ugly bitches can match the hubris of bloggers. I used to work with a misinformed, mangled-faced manatee. One day she lost her keys and everyone in the office was halfheartedly looking for them. Honestly, we were all pretty sure that they went down her gullet when she […]

You’ve Been Dumbfuckstruck

Da na na na na na na na…. Da na na na na na na na… Da na na na na na na na… Da na na na na na na na… Da na na na na na na na… THUNDER Da na na na na na na na… THUNDER Da na na na na […]

You Throw And Blog Like A Girl

Now, I’m not here to pass judgement on anyone, but jesus fucking christ almighty there are a lot of fucking idiots who should die painful deaths out there. Its December 2009, the regular season for baseball ended in early October. The World Series ended about a month ago. All the awards have been given out […]

The Disgusting Truth About Disgusting Porn Blogs

One of the most common blogs I am finding is the porn site marketing blog. Back in the olden days of 1997, all you needed was a url and some sluts to start a porn site that made money. Pimping was easy. Then it went all 9/11 (that’s a new idiom I am trying out, […]

Shitty Shill Blog

Beat The Slots Blog, is one turd of a website. So craptastic its today’s Shitty Blog Award winning blog. First and leastmost, as is customary with most winners, it has Google ads on it. Of course they may be hard to find, you know, hidden in all the other fucking ads on the god […]

Like Nails Scratching On My Cornea

Ok, I dug deeper. You’re welcome. After my initial dismay at finding so many results for my youtube search of the word ‘blog’, I started on my prolonged dismay of searching through a ton of those videos to find a shitty blog on there to give an Intermittently Given Shitty Blog Award to. Oh […]

For being naively cute, no questioning child nor kitten playing with an empty box can ever come close to someone quoting the Constitution about alleged rights they think they are guaranteed. Oh to be starry-eyed, ignorant and uncalloused again.