
Will Shit For Cash

I am looking to sellout my plog like a junkie pimp with 3 pre-teen daughters on laundry day. Make me an offer. Cut me a check. Paypal me some Euros. For the right amount you can do whatever the fuck you want in this section of my site.

Fuck, I am not even above redirecting the whole site for a day or a week to your site. If it’s probably legal and not too immoral, I’m game. I am looking to sell this piece of shit section out. Make me an offer.

Maybe you’re a dumbfuck small start-up owner trying to reach that coveted 18-30 year old dipshit male market. Perhaps you’re the Executive Senior Vice-President of Marketing and Self-Felching and want to ‘reinvent’ your corporate image to be ‘hip’, ‘groovy’, ‘far out’ and more appealing to the Fonzi-crazed youth of today. Possibly, your just some friendless, whackjob loser who wants to get out your rambling manifesto to the world.

I don’t give a bucket of soupy turds who or what you are. If you have money and are willing to give me some in exchange for me doing something with my plog, I am all ears.

I have no conscious with this area. No hangup about being a complete bitch sell out. Unlike a lot of the posts on this plog, on this page, I shit you not. I am for real. Make me an offer.

Give those bible thumpers their due: Not only is abstinence the best way to prevent STDs and out of wedlock pregnancies, but if people would just stop fucking, in less than 100 years we could eradicate all human ailments.