It’s Saying ‘It’s The Thought That Counts’ That Counts

Nothing says, ‘Our culture requires that I get you a gift, but I had no fucking idea and didn’t want to waste any of my precious time giving you a meaningful one’ like a gift card. I love them.

It's Saying 'It's The Thought That Counts' That Counts

They are so awesome.

Now, you still need to know a little about the person. Whereas a gift requires you know enough about them to get them some item that they will find useful or meaningful to their life, with gift cards, you just have to have an inkling as to where such an item may be purchased.

Would Jim like the ability to buy some shitty sweatshop made products from Dillard’s. Or does he seem more of a guy who would like shitty sweatshop products from Macy’s? Boy, holiday shopping is so hard.

You mean so much to me that I bought you the ability to buy yourself something. But only at this specific store. Awesome.

If it truly is the thought the counts, a gift card is the step just above completely forgetting about getting somebody a gift and 2 steps above telling them to go fuck themselves on Christmas.

Deciding where to get gift cards is so hard. If only they made a universal gift card, one good at every place.

Fucking idiots.

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