Happy Superficial Prejudicial Atonement Week

The Festival Of Turds

Hannukkah is the winter Cinco De Mayo.

To the majority of this country, both are viewed as important events to cultures we normally look down upon. These holidays are deemed important by us because no one gives a shit enough to learn about the history of either one of those events or to learn about their actual insignificance to the cultures we deem them so important to.

For some reason we all feel the need to embrace a holiday for those cultures to make it appear that we don’t look down upon them. Kind of like how people hang shitty pictures their kids drew up on the refrigerator, feign interest in some fat bitch’s story of how she has lost 4 pounds this month and overactively listen when stupid kids talk about a petty achievement in school. Somehow recognizing and being topically informed about something of theirs we are absolved from actually thinking they are lesser than us.

No matter how wrong we are in our ideals about it.

It’s some sort of superficial prejudicial atonement. We think that doing the least possible to know something about their culture makes how we really feel about them ok. Sort of like mentioning having a black friends after making a racist joke.

Overgrandizing the importance of Hannukkah and Cinco De Mayo makes us not prejudice in our minds.

And to all a good night.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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