You’ve Been Dumbfuckstruck


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You’ve been thunderstruck. Or at least you will be at 8 p.m at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, FL on 8/29/2009 according to today’s winner of the Randomly Given Shitty Blog Award winning site, St. Petersburg Bowl Tickets Blog. That’s when the unranked Rutgers Scarlet Knights take on the unranked University of Central Florida Knights in the St. Petersburg Bowl.

Hell fuck yeah.

What a shitty blog.

For one, its like a blog selling used toilet paper. Rutgers vs. UCF? Wow. I might, maybe, just maybe be willing to watch the last 6 minutes of that game if it is close, I accidentally happen upon it while surfing and the only other sporting event is WNBA or figure skating. Maybe.

Even without its crappy purpose, it’s a shitty blog all on its own. I think it was thrown together in 5 minutes. If you go to its About page you’ll see it has the default content telling the author to put his content there. There’s grammatical and punctuation errors throughout it. And they spell St. Petersburg three different ways on the fucking thing.

Lastly, its either a domain squatter site or a marketing blog. If you check out the section called ‘Blogroll’ you will see links to other blogs named after bowls. If you go to any of them you will see essentially the same site as the St. Petersburg Bowl Tickets Blog, except with that bowl’s name and information. It looks like someone bought up all these domains and parked all these shitty blogs on them. Also, all the links on those pages ultimately try and direct you to and tries to sell you tickets

That means the dumbfuck bought all these domains in either the hope of selling them to the bowls or the plan all along was to turn them into these abomination blogs and funnel people to that shitty ticket site. Whatever the case, the St. Petersburg Bowl Tickets Blog, of all those shitty bowl ticket blogs is the worst and winner of a Whenever I Feel Like Giving It Shitty Blog Award.


No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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In some cultures a boy isn't a man until he decapitates and abdomen-rapes his first hooker. Think about that, and decide for yourself if our society is really that advanced.