6 Degrees Of Smoke Up Your Ass

CPRed In The Ass

You ever Wikipedia surf? Just throw caution to the wind and start with one article on Wikipedia and just go where the links take you? Before you know it you’ve learned a little something about Mt. Kilimanjaro, oral sex, the Pythagorean thereom, ectopic pregnancies, Pete Rose, egg recipes, and the Legislature of Chile. Possibly, in that order.

Wikipedia surfing should be a mandatory class in school. Make kids spend at least 1 hour a day browsing their way through Wikipedia. No directions. No tests. No boring lecture. No idiot teachers. Just 60 minutes to kill and Wikipedia.

You will always find answers to questions you always never needed to know. For example, I wanted to find out about the new Super Mario Brothers Game for the Wii, and learned about how second hand smoke was used to save lives.

  1. I wikipediaed New Super Mario Brothers and got directed to the DS version.
  2. So I clicked on the List of Mario Games By Year link on that page.
  3. I saw Punch-Out on the list and decided I wanted to read that article.
  4. The main character was named after the McDonald’s sandwich Big Mac so I went there.
  5. Then onto the entry for Ray Kroc.
  6. With a quick layover on the San Diego Padres page.
  7. I just had to read about the San Diego Sports Curse.
  8. Part of that curse was the death of Eric Show who died after taking a…
  9. Speedball? What the hell is that exactly, I always hear about it, but what is it?
  10. How do you insufflate something?
  11. Awww, its fancy talk for inhaling smoke. Which you can do with your ass via a Tobacco Smoke Enema.

I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. Unless of course you’re a drowning victim in the 19th century, then I might be. Click the link it goes to Wikipedia. Tobacco smoke enemas were an actual medical practice used to revive drowning patients. A tube was shoved up their ass and then literal smoke blown up it. The warmth and introduction of air into the intestinal system was thought to be key to reviving a drowning victim.

Tell me Wikipedia 101 wouldn’t be a glowing success.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Is there a more greater joy than senseless human death?