The Miracle Of Turdbirth

Some times, when the lighting is just right, you situated yourself in the correct position, the stars line up perfectly and you’re willing to get a nose full of ass; you can watch the turd you are crapping inch its way out your butt.

The Miracle Of Crapping

Its like watching the miracle of childbirth without any of the regret, anxiety of being trapped, anticipation of disappointment or disgustingness. A Discovery Channel masterpiece right there between your thighs.

Usually I’m too busy watching Judge Judy and/or playing Tetris and/or eating and/or jerking off when I’m crapping to take the time to figuratively smell the roses that are coming out my literal ass. Today though, as I plopped down I caught a glimpse of my sphincter and decided to stay for the whole show.

You really do have to catch everything just right. The bottom of the toilet has to be darkened, the lighting of the bathroom has to hit it just right and you have to have your head in the proper position relative to the water in the shitter to use it as a mirror to spy on the mysterious workings of your brown eye. But its possible. And mind blowing.

Now, if you can’t get the geometry right with the water and making it act like a mirror for you, I’m sure it would be fine to hop up on the bathroom counter, bend over, put your head between your legs and use an actual mirror to peer at your pooper as you dropped a deuce in the sink.

Better yet, buy a camera and capture it to enjoy for ever. Best yet, post your bowel movement video on youtube for the world to experience. Oh, and of course, save the receipt on that camera.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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I'm not proud of it, but I once beat a man to death with his own rectum.