Shitty Shill Blog
Beat The Slots Blog, is one turd of a website. So craptastic its today’s Shitty Blog Award winning blog.
First and leastmost, as is customary with most winners, it has Google ads on it. Of course they may be hard to find, you know, hidden in all the other fucking ads on the god damn page. If this blog averages even a hundredth of a cent for every ad displayed on it, then the owner, well, he’s still a piece of shit.

Below the header I see 3 ads all in a row. In the left column I’m counting 6 ads. Above the footer there’s 3 ads. Ads in and among certain posts. Oh, and the posts themselves are fucking ads for various online casinos. Seriously, people who incinerate baby feti at abortion clinics have a more morally defensible job than people who create blogs to drown them in ads.
I’ve come to accept the fact that there will exist shitty spam sites on the net. Sites that exist for only the purpose of displaying ads. It sucks, but that’s the way the world works.
However, Beat The Slots Blog is a god damn Blogspot blog. Follow me for a minute: The fucks who make spamvertisement sites hire people to design them, pay for web hosting, pay for people to maintain them. So, while they themselves are worthless piece of shits who own worthless piece of shit sites they are at least standalone worthless piece of shit sites that they have put some investment into.
The turd that is the Beat The Slots Blog had no such investment. Blogspot allows people to set up blogs for free. This means the worthless puke who started the fucking thing is literally and figuratively trying to make money out of nothing. He doesn’t own the url, he’s not paying for hosting, there’s sure as fuck no professionals being paid to design the thing. There’s no investment on his part, yet somehow he’s entitled to drown his website in ads in the pursuit of making money of his leeching. That’s like going to a homeless shelter, getting as much food as you can from them and selling it out of the back of your car.
Best of all is the disclaimer link at the top. Despite the name of the blog, despite the title which includes this sentence : ‘Win at slots.’, despite many posts which tell you how to beat the slots, on every page the title links to a disclaimer at the bottom which magically absolves them from any liability for their lies. To wit:
The information provided on this website is to be used for entertainment purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional advice. The name “Beat the Slots” is a site name only and does not seek to imply or guarantee that you will be able to beat the slots / casinos.
Its like they consulted a horoscope disclaimer for legal advice.
No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.
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