Video Blogs: The Future Of Boring

Lord, o’fuck, cunt almighty. Me and my great ideas.

There I was, laughing my head off, enjoying my favorite pastime of watching serious injuries videos on youtube, when genius hit. Or more accurately–now that I know the results–when ungenius hit.

Video Blogs Killed My Will To Live

I interrupted my motorcycle tricks gone bad video and immediately decided to type those 4 magical letters into the search box, B-L-O-G and hit submit.

What did you expect idiot? I continue to surprise myself by surprising myself. What was I thinking? Did I honestly expect 45 results? Like somehow, in my mind, the millions of retards who make music videos featuring their cats or the dumbfucks who upload footage of their babies farting or the dickshafts who make videos of them watching videos, wouldn’t think to drown youtube with videos they titled with the word ‘blog’?

I’m a fucking idiot for thinking any different.

Jesus Christ I’m dumb.

Searching For ‘blogs’ on youtube yields an unmeasurable amount of videos. In fact, the top of the page says it is listing 1-20 of millions. There’s so fucking many and/or they are being added at such an alarming rate, there’s no way to provide an accurate number of how many of the fucking things there are on youtube. I don’t know where to start. I am truly in awe.

Congratulations world, yet another thing drowned and ruined by blogs.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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No offense, but if you ask me, all these jews, muslims, hindus, wiccans and satanists, just seem so unchristian.