When Being Right Goes Wrong
I have been born with a curse: Objectivity.
For some strange reason I can listen to people who seemingly disagree on a subject, understand their positions, see how they got there and agree with everyone.
Even worse, I can take into account reality and apply it. It’s really sad sometimes; I don’t know why god chose to give me this affliction. I really wish there was a cure.

There are some people who can only see the idealistic side of things—the real world doesn’t exist for them. Like pro-lifers, these anti-health care nuts and atheists. Everyone who aligns themselves with a group always talks about shit that only exists in the ether for them, they always disregard reality.
No one can ever even for a second consider all the facts. Just taking a second and looking at the person with whom they differ and consider that they aren’t crazy. Stopping for just a moment to see if their opinion might have even a sliver of reason to it would be like surrendering to these people.
I like vanilla, that’s the only ice cream for me. Never had any other kind, but I know they all suck because they aren’t vanilla. I’d probably puke if I even tasted strawberry. Don’t want to chance that. Vanilla for me please.
Their mind is closed on the subject. They never consider the reality or the alternative—because to them there is none. With some people you can’t even think of making a change to the system even if you could empirically prove it would benefit them.
These dumbfucks will even go against their best interest to be right and have the system followed.
Today I bought a pair of jeans and one of these dumbfucks was in front of me at the counter. He was arguing about how his coat jacket rang up wrong. There was a 20% sale (this is going to be a story problem so get out some scratch paper and a pencil) on certain type of coat jackets which was to be deducted at the register. His coat which was legitimately part of the sale, rang up as not being part of the sale. The barcode on it was wrong and it scanned as a different brand of jacket and at a price of $90. A visual inspection of the jacket’s tags confirmed it was in fact the brand on sale and ringing up wrong.
He was arguing vehemently, he wanted the right price and the discount. No matter the actual outcome, the process had to be followed. He just couldn’t live in a world where his item was improperly rung up—no matter the ultimate consequence to him.
Luckily he won.
The cashier manually keyed in the price on the tag, $140 and then took the 20% discount. The man was vindicated and happy. Until I snorted and chuckled behind him and he turned and followed my eyes to see that I was looking at his total.
It took him a moment to do the math, but then that stupid fucker realized his quest for correctness cost him $22 ($140 – 20% > $90). He was embarrassed but stuck to his smugness: ‘Yeah, but it rang up right. This way my receipt will be right if I need to return it.’.
Another snort and chuckle from me followed by ‘Stick it to the man’.
Then he took a second stared at the total, checked the tags on the coat to make sure that it wasn’t really the $90 brand of jacket, stared back at the total and paid.
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