Our Collective Bipolarishness

No, Please Tell Me More About What You Love And Hate


If yesterday’s post showed us anything, it’s that people love to tell you that they love and hate stuff. No matter how hypocritical or obvious it should be. With blogs, the internet is turning into a constant stream of our collective conscious. And that’s nothing to brag about.

On average, we are pretty fucking average. Unfortunately people don’t seem to know it and feel that their mundane thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes are things we all want to hear about. And they tell us. And tell us and tell us.

So, here’s some more things people love and hate. Tears of boredom, commence now:

  I hate… I love…
everything 1,377,421 214,526
this 7,933,448 41,591,635
my mom 813,598 749,724
genital warts 0 3
women 108,198 31,641
school 1,577,655 616,870
love 535,606 4,858,791
hate 1,014,417 585,408
you 1,330,425 25,630,726
hating hate 7 0
loving hate 1 1
hating love 4 6
myself 497,293 1,551,687

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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The day after I start taking pride in my lawn is the day I need to be 6 feet beneath it.