Post-Marital Sex

Post-Marital Sex

In a couple manners of speaking, it’s hump day on divorce blog appreciation week at the plog. Let’s see what kind of stories we can find about people not letting something as stupid as their divorce get in their way of fucking someone they couldn’t wait to get rid of.

I’m pretty sure, unlike them with their selves and the sex act itself, I won’t be disappointed.

And I wasn’t. In just 15 minutes of googling, here’s the blogs I found:

And then it seems everyone and their horny ex-wife wants to weigh in on the subject, in a theoretical, this didn’t really happen to me way:

I say, don’t follow the advice you find on the internet, when it comes to fucking a person you could no longer stand to be married to, I say follow your heart and/or genitals. After all, a divorce decree is just a stupid piece of paper that dissolves another stupid piece of paper. When its true lust involving someone you hate, it shouldn’t matter the legal formalities of your relationship when you pity fuck each other.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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For being naively cute, no questioning child nor kitten playing with an empty box can ever come close to someone quoting the Constitution about alleged rights they think they are guaranteed. Oh to be starry-eyed, ignorant and uncalloused again.