Fuck Empathy

Fuck Empathy

What’s your blood type? Because I think I need an empathy transfusion. Maybe the gland in my body responsible for producing and regulating it is out of whack.

Perhaps those years of violent sodomy at the abusive orphanage I was raised did effect me. Or maybe, just maybe, hear me out on this, maybe its like being fat and I have the callous prick gene in my DNA.

Hopefully they will devise a test for that and genetically engineer it out out of future generations. Or at least develop an empathy pill that we can put children on for the rest of their lives.

Until then, look what I found: Memorial blogs. I’m like a fat chick in mud.

Mike Simanoff Memorial Blog
Unsure how he died, but his employer made big donation in his honor to a schizophrenic/sepression research group—not a good sign.

Blog In Memory Of Maria Chapman
Got run over by an older sibling in her own driveway. Its not as horrible as you think though–she was adopted.

Remembering Matt Peterson Blog
Killed by a sheriff deputy who swerved into the wrong lane.

Michael Jackson Memorial Blog
Emotionally, as a nation, losing a pedophile is so, so hard and having a blog (or ten thousand) helps everyone deal with it.

David Honigsberg Memorial
Another rabbi sent to heave to spend eternity eating bacon with Jesus.

W.C. Kelsey Memorial Blog
Even in death old people are as boring as shit

Montague Ullman’s Memorial Blog
This memorial consists of 1 post and 20 total words. Blogspot Memorials: For when you kind of care enough to feign missing someone.

Here’s the best part of this. And by this, I mean this post you are reading now. When you google those peoples names, not only will you get those blogs in the results, you will also now get this page. So, their memory will not only be a shitty memorial blog, but now it will include some random asshole’s shitty blog on the internet calling those shitty memorial blogs ‘shitty memorial blogs’ along with pics of his own shit.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Do you think more people have been on both ends of a blow job or no ends of a blow job?