The Blogs To End All Blogs

The Blogs To End All Blogs

Suppose you are starting to see my point of view and are coming around to the idea that blogs are only for neurotic shut-in retards with a misplaced sense of self-worth. But you’re still not 100% convinced and would like some more information on the subject.

Well guess what—there’s a blog posting that’s been written to help you decide when to stop writing blog posts:

Hot fucking god damn.

Let’s suppose that’s the clincher. That blog posting about when to stop blogging sealed the deal. I have now won you over and you’re convinced blogs are for the shit brained megalomaniacs of the world. Now what? Well, as penance you say 41 hail marys, cripple your reproductive organs, promise not to communicate anything about your boring life ever again and take down your blog.

But how you say, do I take down my blog? Has anything been written that can guide me in doing that?

Why yes, yes there is a blog posting about how to end your blog:

In terms of redundancy, hypocrisy, futility, unnecessariness and just general retardation, nothing can come close to the beating blogs give dead horses.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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A Toast To Your Cummupance: May you live a long life... you can see your children and their children die of AIDS,
your spouse battle Alzheimer's and MS;
while you lose control of your bodily functions,
but retain your mental faculties so you can witness it all.
Hear hear, to your long life