Archive for October, 2009

Happy Pedophile Day Eve

My my my. Why aren’t you just the scariest little ghost. And are you Spiderman? That’s a very nice costume. And you look like the prettiest little princess ever. Oh, I am sorry, my mistake. Tinkerbell, you’re the prettiest Tinkerbell ever.   Happy Pedophile Day Eve. May all your hopes, dreams, wishes and fantasies be […]

When Being Right Goes Wrong

I have been born with a curse: Objectivity. For some strange reason I can listen to people who seemingly disagree on a subject, understand their positions, see how they got there and agree with everyone. Even worse, I can take into account reality and apply it. It’s really sad sometimes; I don’t know why god […]

Anorexia Explained

Epiphany about anorexics: What if it hasn’t to do with diets,     Getting grossly fat,     Or any of that? Maybe those crazy cunts hate taking shits

Our Collective Bipolarishness

  If yesterday’s post showed us anything, it’s that people love to tell you that they love and hate stuff. No matter how hypocritical or obvious it should be. With blogs, the internet is turning into a constant stream of our collective conscious. And that’s nothing to brag about. On average, we are pretty fucking […]

Blogs’ Love-Hate Relationship With Themselves

  With 100% of precincts votes tallied here are your results for phrases appearing in blogs. I am both dissappointed and disinterested.   I hate… I love… myspace 214,405 111,227 facebook 64,768 83,346 livejournal 47,721 169,566 twitter 18,119 92,499 blogs 102,622 85,243 blogging 57,826 335,999 the internet 533,210 1,829,471 And remember, if you didn’t blog, […]

Picture This, Everyone Else Has

By my count, including this blog and the image I use for invalid pages for this site, I have added 259 pictures of shit to the internet. And that piece of shit high school English teacher said I’d never contribute anything to society. He’s looking pretty stupid right about now. 259 images of my shit–Quite […]

Divorce Week Denouement

There are just way to many divorce blogs to point and laugh at in a week. I like to think that the next Lorenna Bobbit, Nicole Simpson, Lacy Peterson or even Brin Hartman is out there right now spilling her guts to the internet ether about how her marriage is falling or has fallen to […]

Retards Say The Darndest Things

You do realize that the ‘www’ in front of the url your blog on means ‘world wide web’ right? Your story doesn’t have to be that way. You do realize that you control that fact that I am able to read and use your own writings to mock you right? They make books you can […]

Post-Marital Sex

In a couple manners of speaking, it’s hump day on divorce blog appreciation week at the plog. Let’s see what kind of stories we can find about people not letting something as stupid as their divorce get in their way of fucking someone they couldn’t wait to get rid of. I’m pretty sure, unlike […]

The Watching Paint Dry Divorce Blog

It’s still divorce blog week on the plog. That’s right, take some time out of your busy day to look at pictures of my shit, be amused by the general idea that tons of people actually want to share their divorce with the world and be endlessly entertained by the specific stories these dipshits […]

Please employ Biblical Rationalization when reading Everything I say on this site is the 100% absolute literal truth to be taken exactly as I typed it. Unless of course it can be undeniable proven incorrect, in which case I obviously did that on purpose and my writings are allegorical.