Absolute Yellow

I don’t mean to toot my own cock, but that’s some fine yellow peeing. It can’t get much yellower than that.

Can it? Sounds like another science experiment.

Absolute Yellow

I wonder if there is an upper bound to how yellow piss can be. There’s an absolute zero, there’s terminal velocity and nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Is there an absolute yellow?

I wonder what I can do to manipulate it to maximum yellow? Overdose on asparagus, drink nothing but olive oil, recycle it through myself until all the water in it is gone?

At what point does your urethra stop serving up liquid and start coughing out solid nuggets of piss?

Actually, now that I think about it I’m going to hold of on the fucking around with my dick and all it does until I stop getting boners. At that point there’s nothing to lose.

Still though, that’s some damn fine yellow peeing.

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I don't know if they are born that way or raised in a certain manner, but I do know that in a crowd of people I can always identify the blacks. I have excellent darkie-dar.