Archive for August, 2009

Blogging Out And Of My Ass

As soon as I save up 3 months salary from sucking trucker dick behind the Waffle House, I am going to buy a ring and ask Google Blog Search to marry me. That’s legal in Iowa right? It’s paradoxical: Blogs are this sea of turds, just a shitty pool of totally worthless human waste yet […]

Pop Shit

  Cash me in, color me up, give me my 15 minutes so I can sell them for smokes. Compared to the fucks I found yesterday, I have been doing an absolutely horrible, quarter-assed job of selling this plog out. I feel like a hooker with a heart of gold on her period—I know there’s […]

Altruism For Sale, Dirt Cheap

The one thing that never fails to bring a smile to my face when it comes to blogs is how quickly they get sold out. No matter how altruistic the topic or noble the intentions are when they get started, everyone tries to make a dollar from the shit they puke onto the internet. Somewhere, […]

Pork Barrel Blogs

Here’s a scary question I’m afraid to know the answer to: How many blog do my tax dollars fund? I’m cool with all the 3rd World abortions, nuclear bombs, bridges to nowhere, bank bailouts, public schools and murder of foreign brown people my taxes underwrite, but blogging? May Thomas Jefferson’s undead corpse have mercy on […]

Pompous Fucks

Its about time. All my life I have been waiting for this and finally it has been delivered to me. I can now die in peace. 35 and a half years I have been on this earth and not until now could I watch some fat dude in Spokane plow his ugly wife. Amen. Humanity […]

The Null Blog

Oh Sweet Lord Almighty Fuck. I did it, I finally found a blog better than the one post wonders who have had the glorious distinction of winning a Intermittently Bestowed Shitty Blog Award. What could be more shittier than a blog that someone took the time to set up, make only one post and […]

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