Free Shit For Sale

Remember 15 years ago when we all sat around making fun of those dumbfuck companies who were selling bottled water? God damn, we were so smart and prophetic.

Who in their right mind is going to pay money for something you can get free? What a retarded business. Bottled water. Those dumbfucks will be broke within 3 months. What idiots. Clear Pepsi. Now that’s the fucking future.

Free Shit For Sale

We didn’t underestimate dumbfuck companies selling bullshit products, we overestimated our fellow man’s ability to not buy bullshit products. Bottled water is a huge hit. It’s as close to doing nothing and getting paid for it that you can get. Read the bottle on a couple of them, often that fucking water comes from a municipal source.

I am hoping the same doesn’t play out for blogs, but I can see it happening. At any given time there are about 100 blogs on sale at Ebay. I googled ‘“blogs for sale”‘ and got almost three-quarters of a million results. A bunch of the results were forums which had tons of listings of blogs you could buy. And of course, true to my Stay Puff Marshmallow Man Shitty Blog Theory, a blog about buying blogs.

Who in their right mind is going to pay money for a blog? The barrier to entry is virtually zero. Hell, with all the shitty blogs I’ve seen I am fairly certain you don’t even need to be literate or have access to the internet to start a blog. I wouldn’t be surprised if some blogs just spontaneously come into existence when an electric current comes in contact with amino acids.

There’s no reason to buy a blog, because the god damn things are so easy to create from scratch. In fact, its’ too fucking easy to start a blog.

Which is why I am dead certain blog buying/selling is going to be huge. It’s too stupid to fail.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Fuck caution. I say err on the side of wishing violent gang rape upon someone and their children and for them all to contract AIDS because of it.