Psychic Rotisserie Chicken

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to them. The Shitty Blog Award Number Something Or Other goes to the Free Psychic Sight Blog.

What a shitty fucking blog.

I See A Shitty Blog In Your Future

First and foremost its not really a blog, but a fucking spam garden. As in the site exists solely to sell something—psychic readings. Every post has been created to maximize keywords and hopefully have Google drive traffic to the site when people search for various, unpsychic related phrases. Which in turn they hope will get them enough traffic to have some dumbfucks request and pay for a psychic reading.

For example, today the Free Psychic Sight Blog has made posts for rotisserie chicken recipes, weight loss exercises, toddler finger food, and weight loss products. They aren’t idiots because they have so many non-psychic related posts: They are evil because of it. They purposely have those non-psychic related posts to get traffic—any kind of traffic–to their crap site.

They are like those fucks who buy up misspelled domains like or or in the hopes that they can get enough traffic via misspellings to sell shit once people accidentally land on their urls. By having all these posts about unrelated bullshit these psychic pukes hope to show up high in search engines when idiots search for things like ‘Rotisserie Chicken Recipes’. Then people click on their search results, get directed to that particular shitty blog post and get drowned in ads for psychic readings.

Did I mention when you go to the blog you get drowned in ads for psychic readings? Jesus fuck almighty. Left column ads. Right column ads. Underneath the post title in the center of the screen—huge fucking ad. The site exists solely to sell psychic services. Which isn’t inherently bad, until you start crapping up the internet with tons of pages that are unrelated to what you are doing in the hopes that you can trick someone searching for a lemon cheesecake recipe into a psychic reading.

Free Psychic Sight Blog, enjoy your Intermittently Given Shitty Blog Award and may you choke on The World’s Best Hamburger.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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If special olympians didn't want to be made fun of so much, then they shouldn't have been born retarded. It's a medical fact.