Pork Barrel Blogs

Here’s a scary question I’m afraid to know the answer to:

How many blog do my tax dollars fund?

The Worst Government Waste

I’m cool with all the 3rd World abortions, nuclear bombs, bridges to nowhere, bank bailouts, public schools and murder of foreign brown people my taxes underwrite, but blogging? May Thomas Jefferson’s undead corpse have mercy on your souls.

For god knows what reason I was on http://www.usa.gov and noticed they had a blog. And that blog had 7 federal employee bloggers. Not elected officials who have to pander and market themselves to the populace, federal “you-can’t-fire-me-no-matter-how-many-times-I-smear-shit-on-my-cubicle-walls” employees.

It gets worse. On that site was a page that linked to over 50 other federal government blogs. I ‘m too nauseous to do the math and every time I tried to do a search for blogs on the state level a little bile gets thrown up into my throat preventing me from completing my query.

And then there are city governments that I am sure have blogs. And school districts. And then county governments. Not to mention all the leech organizations that exist solely because of government grants. Then if you threw in all the individual pieces of shit politicians in this country who are drawing a salary and have a blog…

I’m going to go lay down.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


Just wanted to say HI. I found your blog a few days ago on Technorati and have been reading it over the past few days.

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I'm attracted to wholesome women like my grandmother. Maybe its because she was my maternal care taker or maybe its because I'm an incestuous necrophiliac.