One Giant Circlejerk For Mankind

No man, or woman for that matter, has walked on the moon or any other celestial body other than Earth in my lifetime.

Breath that in, digest it, mull it over, roll it in a tortilla, sprinkle it with some cinnamon, batter it in cake mix, deep fry it, cover it with powder sugar, glaze it with a nice port wine reduction and really sink your teeth into it.

One Giant Circlejerk For Mankind

It tastes like shit if you ask me.

Oh they sent a couple robots to Mars. That’s impressive until you find out they did the same fucking thing when I was 2 and came pretty close 5 years earlier. Got a big fucking telescope orbiting earth that was pretty impressive 15 years ago, but now’s on life support, waiting to be another marketing gimmick for Taco Bell.

Not 1 manned moon mission in my lifetime. It’s a thing of history books and stories your grandfather tells you that you’re not sure you believe. You can watch grainy video of people on the moon, but you know what—I don’t nor have I ever lived in a world of grainy video. You show me a high definition video of some guy on the moon dicking around, then well, that’s something I can relate to. Everything else might as well be next to the T. Rex exhibit in some stuffy museum.

Oh I can fire up Twitter and read near-gibberish, pablum about trips to Starbucks ad nauseum. I can turn on T.V. and watch 1 of 20 channels where people are either trying to buy a house, remodeling a house or redecorating a house. Technology has given us all those great things. Technology for space travel however, hasn’t stagnated, its actually regressed.

How have we pissed away the last decades? Did we just decide we were through with it all? How do you lose technology?

It’s like if someone lost the blueprints for how refrigerators worked so we all go back to having people deliver big blocks of ice to us to use in our ice boxes. Or we forget how antibiotics work and millions die because we just can’t remember how to make them.

And the worst part is everyone’s cool with that.

Yeah, we can’t get penicillin any more, that’s cool. I guess they got tired of making it. No big whoop. I probably have a year before my syphilis kills me and by then I’ll be so delusional I won’t care. Now go get a beer from the ice box so I can relax and Twitter about how I am watching American’s Next Top Decorator.

World, I’m not mad at you, I’m just very disappointed.

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If special olympians didn't want to be made fun of so much, then they shouldn't have been born retarded. It's a medical fact.