Watch Me Watch

Good idea retardfuck, lets see exactly how far we can beat this into the ground. This is my reaction text to your reaction video of other people doing stuff. Hopefully someone will have an interpretative dance reaction to my reaction text to your reaction video of people doing stuff. Then, god willing, to that interpretative dance reaction of my text reaction of your video reaction of someone doing stuff another will react in song. Ad nausem until all communications in all media are reaction to others reactions to a single event way on down the reaction line.

For Every Good Internet Video There Are 1000 Equally Shitty Reaction Videos

I don’t give a fourth of a cup of burning diarrhea about what you’re reactions to certain videos are.

Actually I do. I care to not see them or even have them on the internet to fuck up my searches. No one cares. We get it, eating shit is gross and some people have visceral reactions to it. Neato. Now quit junking up my searches for that video with results that only return videos of you dumbasses reacting to the video that I can’t find to see what’s so awesome about it.

Try it, search for ‘2 girls 1 cup’. You will fucking drown in results that link to blog entries showing videos of dumbshits reacting to that video. So many in fact, that the actual video itself isn’t in the first 20 results. They are all of dickshafts who think you care to watch how much it caused them to wretch.

How much of an uncreative, talentless attention whore do you have to be to think the world wants to see a video of you watching a video?

Hey everyone, I have no talent, skill, wit nor creativity, but look at me because watching me watch something entertaining, is entertaining. So watch me watch that.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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I swear to god I would have never had done that if I didn't think she was at least 12.