Archive for July, 2009

Humanity’s Greatest Accomplishment

Ok class, we’ve done it for my lifetime and we’ve done it for humanity on a worldwide level for one day. Now we are doing it for the entire population ever. We are answering the ultimate question raised by crapometry: How much shit have humans produced in our existence? I mean, it’s got to be […]

Little Dicks, Big Business

Call me selfish. Definitely a skeptic. Even content with myself, but it seems to me that a little dick would still work fine from this end. A big dick is nice and all, but I’m not going out of my to get one when the tiny pecker I have serves its purpose to me perfectly. […]

CNN, The Reverse SETI

CNN is a smoke alarm with dying batteries. Except less useful, more annoying and neither saves your life nor adds anything meaningful to it. Remember the last time the batteries in your remote went out? You did what any normal person would do, you lived with it for the first couple of days by making […]

Random Acts Of Fuck You

Here’s a tip from me to you, if you don’t want to have to explain to your mini-van full of kids what a ‘stupid fucking piece of shit dumb cunt fat whore’ is, don’t yield your right of way to me. This fucking happens to me at least twice a week. I will be waiting […]

Masters Of Shitty Blog Administration

You got assholes in with my douchebags. No, you got douchebags in with my assholes. Its bad and then worse, all at the same time. Like puking all over yourself. Like nails on a chalkboard while you are chewing on tinfoil. Like the doctor accidentally crushing your nuts during your rectal exam. Like dating a […]

The Case Of The Phantom Poo

Here’s a mystery for you Nancy Drew. Where’s my shit? I swear to your favorite deity that I spent a good 90 seconds slowly coaxing a turd from my ass. I swear. Got the soiled toilet paper to prove it. I shit. I honestly shit. Right? Please tell me I didn’t hallucinate a crap. I […]

Bumpercrop of Failure

Where’s Willie Nelson when you need him? Throw me a concert, sing me a song, pay your taxes so I can get FEMA to declare my toilet bowl farmland a disaster area and get one of those sweet New Orleans type nonpaybackable loans. What I am trying to say is that my dream of growing […]

The Immaculate Defecation

What would you do if you pooped a turd divine? A religious looking crap, Is that a sign?   To me it would be scary   To shit the Virgin Mary Of course, in a heartbeat, I’d sell it online.

Toilet Garden, Day 3

  8:03 a.m.     Good morning world. What’s that? Oh yes, the sweet smell of genius and success coming from my bathroom. My Shitty Garden is in bloom. Good morning little seeds. Take your time, I’m in no hurry. Sprout when you feel like it. 10:47 a.m.     Initial exuberance from being such […]

Operation Shitty Garden

Most of you astute observers have instantly recognized the poop in this picture as one I initially crapped out 2 days ago; albeit a little less fresh. Now, I’m not trying to short change all you poop aficionados a picture, but operation ‘Shitty Garden’ is in effect. Get fucking ready to fucking have your fucking […]

I don't know if they are born that way or raised in a certain manner, but I do know that in a crowd of people I can always identify the blacks. I have excellent darkie-dar.