Squatting, The Morally Shitty Kind

In domain squatting, like anything in the real world, you can’t take on big business. If they were still available and you somehow beat Coke to coke.com, ford to ford.com or The National Arbor Day Foundation Assholes to arborday.org, you wouldn’t make a cent. You’d probably lose money on the deal.

Squatting, The Shitty Kind

But you can squat and shit all over domains that are named for causes, average people and interests people have and might want to make a site for.

And assfucks do.

Assfucks like those who control bloggerabortion.com. That’s the best. And when I say ‘best’, I mean ‘awesome’, domain that I have found squatted. I mean really? That’s such prime internet real-estate that you need to kidnap it and hold it for ransom? Blogging and abortion just scream ‘big money’, those are some people with deep pockets.

You’re really expecting to get some crazy pro-lifer to pay $2 million dollars for that cash cow url? That’s up there with genius ideas like scalping pre-season, minor league women’s basketball tickets. Or patenting blue cheese flavored soda so no one else can make it. Or marrying a mean, fat ugly bitch with herpes so you never get cheated on.

The next best, and when I say ‘best’ I mean ‘worst’, thing is that when you go to it has no pretense of being anything but a squatted domain. It has nothing to do with abortion, just a ton of ads including a couple from Godaddy.com that touts their complicity in domain squatting. They are advertising how great a service they are when you need to domain squat, which makes Godaddy a parasitic leech on parasitic leeches on society.

I wonder if I can find a company that brags about how great its ivory handled, baby seal clubber is?

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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For people who get paid to finger asses all day, proctologists sure get all high and mighty when you tell them there's fiver in it for them if at the end of the rectal exam they massage your prostate and give you a happy ending.