It’s Not Electric, Boogie Woogie Woogie

Bad news everyone, I live in the fucking 3rd world. Flies are walking all over my face and I am either too lazy to swat them away or maybe I don’t notice them or maybe with all my fucking problems flies on my face don’t even register as an issue. My stomach is distended from starvation. Missionaries are telling me I have to give my life over to Christ before they give me some iodine tablets so I can make the water drinkable from the well we and all our dying livestock use to piss and shit in. Of course, that’s when we have stuff in our system to piss and shit out that is.

Dark As Shit

And most unfalse of all, I had no fucking electricity for 16 hours. That’s why I had no post yesterday. Oh, I shit yesterday– got the picture on my camera to prove it. I was able to pull it up, jerk off to it and marvel at its wonder until the batteries in the camera ran out, but that’s all I could do with it.

It was raining cats and lots of fucking water for like half an hour yesterday. Lightning, thunder, heavy wind, but everything was fine. I was playing at my computer, sitting in front of a space heater because the air conditioner was working so well with lights and T.V.’s still on in every room of the house I had ever been in. The rain lets up, the thunder and lighting stop and that’s when it all died.

Right when the storm passed–no more power. Then an hour after the storm passed; no power. Then two hours after the storm passed; no power. Then 4 hours, then 5, then 16 fucking hours and no power.

Maybe I should move to somewhere where the infrastructure isn’t as old, where the utilities are more stable. Some place with more reliable electrical service than Baghdad. Someplace that has upgraded its electrical grid since Alternating Current was invented.

At the very least I should move to a better part of town. You know, like across the fucking street.

Every house facing mine: Power. 1 block over to the back: Power. 4 houses up the street in either direction: Power. Everyone on my block: Amishville.

So eat today’s turd up people, it may be your last for a while. With my intermittent T.V. availability I saw that a storm’s a coming tonight and this weekend. I really need to get out of this refugee camp.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Fat chicks need love also. Too bad for them.