I would much rather have 5 assholes than 2 appendices. Come on that’s a no brainer.

1. An appendix is gut candy, belly dressing. It does nothing.
B. Strike that, it does do something and it’s a bad thing. The only confirmed purpose it serves is to get infected and threaten your life. There’s no such thing as an assholectomy
Third. If I was gay, and that’s a medium sized if, it would have a ton of potential. Ok, don’t think, I’ll spell it out for you: M-e-n-a-g-e, A, S-i-x. And that’s just using 1 guy as an input, you daisy chain that and every homo in the world could simultaneously be in on 1 fuck. Even homophobes have to appreciate and applaud that. And if you wouldn’t pay money to see that, then, well; you’re just gay.
B2. It would add like 4 more dimensions to farting. You could play your ass like a flute, covering up the appropriate butthole to make the appropriate sound. Sure, it would take a lot of practice just to play Twinkle Twinkle with your pentabutthole, but that would be awesome. And, just think of the fireworks shows you could put on when you light them.
Last but not sixth. It would make shitting so much faster. Of course you’d have to wipe them all still. Hmmm, I guess…Well, it would still be faster. Of course it wouldn’t be exactly 5 times as fast. Well, I haven’t done the exact math, but I am pretty sure you’d be saving a lot of time in there.
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