Divine Copyright Infringement

Its really a god damn shame that the bible has entered the public domain. Now, and don’t put this past me, any fuck can print, copy, rewrite, publish and sell bibles without legal recourse from Matthew, John, Paul, Ringo or even god himself.

Divine Copyright Infringement

It’s in the public domain, its free for the infringing. Use it how you like. Set it to a rap beat, sell some Xeroxed copies at a flea market, make it into a children’s book with pornographic pop-ups on every page. Or, even set up a blog and simply copy and paste random excerpts from it without context or comment.

And that’s just what today’s winner of the Randomly Bestowed Porkjerky.com Shitty Blog Award does. About 5 times a month the Just Give Me The Truth Blog gets updated with passages lifted straight from books of the bible. No comment, no explanation, no discussion about why those passages are important or thought provoking. Just random bible passages randomly parceled out at in random intervals.

Now, I’m not all that up on the 13 Amendments but I am pretty sure one of them is thou shall not steal the lord’s shit. Say what you want about Scientology, but there’s obviously an upside to a religion that has lawyers on staff to defend their copyrights and trademarks. In the name of the almighty L. Ron, amen.

Lastly and bestly, its trying to sell out. Not having much luck, but still its trying. There’s an image at the top right of the page that says ‘Advertsie Here’ (literally, that’s what it says. I typed their typo correctly) and gives an email to contact about buying some space on their bible rip-off site. Its one thing to rip god’s material off, its another to try and make money off the shit you stole from him.

But in all fairness, though; if you want to read 4 random passages from the Book of Revelations, then the Just Give Me The Truth Blog can’t be beat. And that’s why I proudly bestow on it the Porkjerky.com Shitty Blog Award.

Mazal tov.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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A Toast To Your Cummupance: May you live a long life...
...so you can see your children and their children die of AIDS,
your spouse battle Alzheimer's and MS;
while you lose control of your bodily functions,
but retain your mental faculties so you can witness it all.
Hear hear, to your long life