Shit For Brains Know It All
I have never met a fat bitch who wasn’t an expert on nutrition. When you hear a chunky chick talk about carbohydrates and ketosis and metabolic rates and onomatopoeia and saturated fats you would think she was a god damn doctoral student in biology.
That’s until you look at her drooping belly, huge ass, 4 chins and realize that while the heifer aced her mid-term and final exams, got a perfect score on vocabulary quizzes and nailed all the homework assignments, she failed miserably in the lab portion of life’s eating course.

How can you be so educated, yet so ignorant of something? I know tons of people like that–educated ignorami. Each with their own field of expertise, each unable to apply that expertise, but everyone calls them smart, though. I refuse to, because smart people don’t fail to act on the knowledge they have.
It boggles my mind how we grade on the curve when it comes to judging peoples’ intelligence. We hardly ever base our opinions of peoples’ intelligence on a person’s actions and the mistakes they not only make in life, but continue to live with.
Get a degree in Business, graduate in the top 10% of your high school class, score a 27 on the ACT and people think you’re smart—case closed. In everything you do and will do you are a genius. No need to evaluate what they have done in the real world, all the information we need to judge a person’s intelligence is on pieces of paper. Once you’re deemed smart, it doesn’t matter that you have lived in a mutually physically abusive relationship for 7 years, are an alcoholic, have 4 kids with 3 different partners, are thinking of declaring bankruptcy for the second time and have a panic attack every time you have to drive on the highway. You’re still smart, no matter how you practically apply that huge brain of yours to your life.
It’s like prejudice and racism. Anyone can be prejudiced, but it takes something extra to be racist. Racism is prejudice plus power. You can shout ‘Dumb Nigger’ until you’re hoarse, but until you have the ability to make black people feel your wraith; you’re just a prejudice poser.
Same thing with knowledge. Until that nutrition-savant fat bitch and anyone else who is incapable of doing something with their vast wealth of knowledge; they’re not smart. In fact the more knowledgeable of a subject you are and the less you apply it to your life, the more stupid you truly are.
Until you act with the intelligence and education you have, you’re not smart. So to all the fat bitches of the world, if you want to impress me with your nutritional knowledge, then don’t get fat in the first place.
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