Humankind Strikes Again

Shit cunt piss whore fuck. Its like the internet has turned into a sadistic Twilight Zone episode.

This ‘internet’, as it is fondly known, was to bring the power of the media to the common man. It allowed ever single person to craft their own message and send it out it to the world as if they owned their own broadcasting channel. Unfortunately, as Jason will experience, it did.

Human Nature Is Shit

Everyone hears the good, but never applies the bad. We should have thought this fucking ‘allow everyone to have a voice’ on the internet thing through a little more. But no, we only saw the silver lining, not the huge fucking funnel cloud. It’s kind of like how everyone associates razing a couple thousands acres of the rain forest as bad.

Maybe, just maybe we destroy something that only grows in the Amazon and cures cancer. Maybe. And that’s a big fucking maybe. But isn’t it equally probable that we destroy something that only grows in the Amazon that causes cancer? No one ever thinks out that scenario, they only see the good. Same with the internet.

No one ever stops and thinks, ‘Jesus, we if we empower everyone with a voice via the internet we are giving a voice to all those idiot Mary Kay, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Jesus and Amway selling assfucks.’ Nope, no one ever gave that half a thought.

Take a second and think of all the mass media you have experienced and every one was deluged with some sort of spam. After midnight, and a lot of times before, T.V. turns into infomercial land. Financial charlatans, bullshit kitchen appliances people will only use twice, Billy Mays, exercise equipment and various other con artists. Even before midnight, when regular programming is on, 25% of every hour is commercials. Radio is even worse. What about mail? What’s your junk to actual mail ratio? Mine’s like 70-30 shit.

We’ve drowned every mass communication medium we’ve invented with advertisements for crap. Like Mary Ingalls when she went to that abandoned barn with those 3 horny men so they could just ‘talk’, we were so blind and naive. Its so obvious now, when we empower every single person with the ability to get a message out to the masses, its just in our nature to make sure that message is a bullshit ad goading people into buying something from us. Its in our DNA.

Cue Rod Serling saying, ‘The world got what it wanted, a tool to amplify every voice. A way to get every single person heard. Somewhere along they line, though, they failed to realize no one had anything to say, except “Buy From Me”‘.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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How fucking stupid does it take to be illiterate? Blind people can read for fuck's sake. It's like never learning how to walk.