The Poop Paradox

Not to get all metaphiloshitical on you, but what is a turd?

Are there 4 pieces of crap in the toilet? Or just one?

I Crap A Conundrum

If 4, then who’s to stop me from breaking those turds down into further turds? Don’t fucking dare me. If you look closely you will see each of the four dooks all are made of easily identifiable sub-parts I like to call pellets. Are those pellets turds? Or can they be broken down further.

If you were heading to St. Ives and met me and I had those four pieces of shit broken down each into four pellets, each pellet I cut in fourths; then how many turds would I have?

I can do the math, I just don’t know what constitutes a turd.

Now, if you said there is really only one turd in the toilet that has been broken into fourths , well then your in for a heap of shit in the other direction. If you truly believe that, then that makes life one giant shitting session for us all. Day in and day out, working on crapping out the next section of the same turd we have been working on since birth. The only way to be finished with the one turd in our life is to die.

And finally, the real conundrum, wrapped in a paradox, dipped in chocolate, rolled in an enigma and fried in a vat of quandary is: Did I actually shit a bubble?

Hell Fucking-A.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Literally every retarded, and I do mean retarded, 18-year old citizen has a say in our government. It's unfunny because its true.