Godly Lip Service

Which is worse, me photoshopping a turd onto a cross replacing Christ or all these fucks who go to church only on Easter and Christmas?

Is intentional or unintentional blasphemy worse?

Blasphemy, The Good Kind

If I were the head of a religion I think I would find people who pretended to agree with me when it was convenient for them more disgusting than those who openly mocked my beliefs. Then again, I’m probably not the best authority because after a while I’d get bored with it all and jim jones my congregation just for the fun of it.

There’s a church across the street from my house and I see the bump in attendance they get on Easter and Christmas and it always makes me chuckle. Its like people think god only takes attendance on those days. If they show up for just those 2 days a year and blow off all the other Sunday’s they’ll be fine.

I don’t think it matters that I had an abortion 3 months ago, take the lord’s name in vain whenever I god damn feel like it, haven’t been to church in since Christmas and really don’t buy into a lot of that bullshit the priest says. But, as long as I put on a dress and a nice bonnet, throw 5 bucks in the offering plate, pretend to know the words to some songs, show up to church twice a year and eat a cracker from god’s man-servant; then all’s well because God so fucking stupid he’ll think I’ve been there religiously. So to speak.

They do have a point though. I mean come on; there are a lot of churches. God can’t be everywhere and know everything can he?

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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No, no, no. I didn't say that. I didn't call you a liar. Please, I'm not questioning your integrity. I don't think you have a hidden agenda nor malicious intent nor ulterior motive causing you to be deceitful. It's just that you're so fucking stupid you don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about. I'm definitely not calling you a liar.