Palette Pleasing Crap

Dogs’ senses of smell are estimated at about 1,000-10,000 times better than that of humans. It all depends on the dog, the human and what you define as a smell. Since we are the lesser species in this comparison, its really hard to specifically estimate how much better they are because we will never have a good idea how really good they are at it.

Good Shit, Trust The Experts

Oh we can dissect tons of dogs to see how they work, do some sick Nazi-like experiments on them, go to the pound and lobotomize a bunch of dogs and see how their brains react when we blow chili powder in their faces, but we will never be able to walk a mile in their sniffers. So in the end, trying to comprehend their sense of smell would be like trying to get your great grandmother to understand what HDTV is like when all she has ever owned was a 12-inch black and white console.

They are the experts. While we will never know how good they actually are, we do know they are far better than us.

Which is why I no longer get mad at my dog for eating his or other dogs’ shit. Now, when I am walking him, I just stop, let him savor those scrumptious turds and feel stupid for not knowing what makes that specific dogpile so much more delicious than the other 3 mounds of shit of 6 inches away that he passed over with barely a whiff.

His taste levels are far beyond mine, so he’s obviously the expert on taste so I defer to his judgment and let him eat whatever poop he wants. He’s tasting things 3 levels beyond what I can ever hope to comprehend. So I let him chow done.

And god love him, he’s usually right. At first I thought it was gross, but after I had a lick, I had to agree with him: his balls, other dogs’ assholes, regurgitated dog food and used feminine products taste great if your palette is refined enough.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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