Pooping To The Choir

How fucking stupid does it take to be illiterate? It’s like never learning how to shit.

Blind people can read for fuck’s sake.

Illiterates Eat Shit

Illiteracy is a lot like getting hit by a train—you actually have to go out of your way to do so. Oh everyone pretends it’s a tragedy and is sympathetic to illiterates/train wreck victims, but honestly you only have your own dumb ass to blame.

The government even does all it can for both those types of people. They build railroad crossings with warning lights and barricade arms. They build schools with libraries and teachers. At some point it’s the illiterates and the smashees faults for being illiterate and smashed.

Now, you’re probably going—but what about people with learning disabilities like dyslexia? Those people who are unable to easily read.

Well, I’m glad you brought that up because:

Sdyexliaa is a fncya meda-up wdro taht soochl cnuoselros ues so taht tehy d’not hvae to llet teh paertsn of spuitd, illertiate kdis that tierh kids aer stpudi illitreaets.

Give it a shot. You’ll get it.

And when you do, it proves itself. Any spuitd, illertiate fcuk can see that. Well, actually they can’t, but hopefully you’ll get the point.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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