Archive for March, 2009

The Case Of The Unexplained Pubes

I know I know. This is where you tell me ‘I told you so.’ It was a grandiose plan and I admit that. In hindsight I guess you could say my eyes were bigger than my asshole. In my heart I believed I could do it: Blog for one year about all my shit. I […]

The Payoff

Holy balls of chocolate covered cum I am witty. A blog post about blog posts that talk about the trouble with blogging that is interrupted because I had trouble blogging. Then I follow it up with a blog post about the trouble I am having writing my post about blogs writing posts about having trouble […]

Genius In The Works

Sorry, something fucked up with the end of the last post, I will fix it in a minute.

Shitty Cliched Blog Post

A very insightful, witty, huged-cocked, intelligent, gratuitously and unironically modest person (I mentioned huged-cocked and gorgeous, right) raised a very uninsightful question about blogs on mine the other day: How many fucking blog posts exists devoted solely to peoples’ troubles with blogging? Its like; no fuck you, there’s no simile needed. If you can’t see […]


In some cultures the shape, size and smell of ones crap determines the status of an individual within their society. In some other societies you can make up random shit about shit and stupid fucks will not only believe it but probably recite it as fact to others. Which society is truly more advanced? It’s […]

Palette Pleasing Crap

Dogs’ senses of smell are estimated at about 1,000-10,000 times better than that of humans. It all depends on the dog, the human and what you define as a smell. Since we are the lesser species in this comparison, its really hard to specifically estimate how much better they are because we will never have […]

For My Own Good

An abusive turd was in my patootie A bad relationship, me and that doodie     It scratched, scraped and clawed     I grimaced and bawled It said it only did that cause it loved me.

Of Thee I Poop

Wow, that’s some sweet ass shit. I am now an ‘S’ and an ‘N’ away from crapping my first name. And only and ‘E’ and 2 more ‘S’s from my last name. Let that be a lesson to all you kids out there. When you put your mind to it, hunker down, work a little, […]

Raising Awareness That You’re A Dumbshit

I decided to do something special with today’s turd. I wanted to give back to the community. To affect a positive change on society for once and not just crack poop jokes. So today, I put wristbands around my turds to serve as a reminder and to bring awareness about a cause that is very […]

Pedophile ISO FBI Agent 4 LTR

I swear to christ sortamighty, if I read about another heroic FBI agent posing as a teenager seducing dirty old men into traveling across the country for sex, I am going to go on a sodomizing rampage of my own. Its disgusting through and through. Every aspect about it, especially the meta-aspect, is just horrible. […]

Infertility and miscarriages are god's way of saying you shouldn't be a parent. Go ahead and listen to him on this one.