Money Over Bitches? That’s Crap

The biggest problem I have with the state of the internet is that it reflects change. The world isn’t the same place I grew up in. The worst part isn’t the technology or fancy new phrases or that damn hip hop and roll music, its a fundamental shift in what we value as a society. And the shift wasn’t for the for the better.

Kids Today

I hate to sound like someone’s grandfather, but in my day, times were simpler and superior. It wasn’t too long ago that the most important thing in life wasn’t making $5 a day from ads on a website or optimizing your html for search engines or pinging your blog or getting a top listing on digg.

No, back then when the web was still only 1.0 we didn’t care about that stuff. In the olden days when you wanted someone you didn’t text them, but beeped them on their pager, and hopefully they were near a pay phone (now I am dating myself, eww–get a room) and could quickly call you back. Oh sure we have technologically advanced quite a way since then, but our moral and cultural systems have regressed. We were more grounded then and didn’t constantly think with our wallets.

Instead, we thought with our dicks. And the world was a much better place for it.

We’ve turned from a healthy, sex obsessed culture into a greed crazed virtual assembly of people. Back in the good ole days we invented and sang about more words for doing it than had ever existed before . I mean come on ‘Unskinny Bop’, ‘Shoop’, ‘Zoom-Zoom and a Boom-Boom’ and that’s not mentioning any of the lovely ballads on the subject by 2 Live Crew. We were concerned about money, but it didn’t rule us. Our quest to obtain lots and lots of pussy did. And it worked.

Kids today. With them its all about pageviews, google rankings, link exchanges, ad impressions, SEO, trackbacks and affiliate marketing. Do guys even like to get blown anymore? Do the teenyboppers still do that? Am I showing my age?

Where have you gone Tone Loc? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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The web shouldn't be a global network to circulate bad jokes and dying children's requests. E-mail should be used to distribute pictures of your girlfriend's sister sucking off stray dogs, like god intended.