Example Post

This is a sample post of the figurative and literal shit I will be posting on my plog. Thats right, starting on January 1, 2009 I will begin my poop log and chronicle my craps, providing you and tens of others with seconds upon seconds of lowest common denominator entertainment. Trust me, you stupid fucks are gonna eat it up.
So bookmark this page, become an advertiser, start telling your grandparents, friends and co-workers about the great things to come in 2009. Because I shit you not (holy christ sortamighty that saying’s gonna get old fast), this plog is going to take off like chlamydia in a nursing home.
No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.
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This site just keeps getting bettter. Jason, if I wasn’t so busy constantly masturbating to the Disney channel , I would probably have more to say…
Keep up the good work Dicky!

Holy fuck… I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. If your plog is going to be as fantastically great as your site, I’ll most definitely be bookmarking this bitch and reading it regularly! Awesome ass job dude!

man when i see things like this it reminds me that god is in his heaven and we are in his toilet !
i just want to say i wish i could suck my own dick but since i cant i can at least have the joy of know what your shit looks like and how you truly feel about that.
i just hope that someday some how every one will cum to understand that though we live in a shitty world it is our ability to laugh at the shit were in that keeps us from ……. ill think of something
ok keeps us from
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I think I should send this to Miku, because, it sounds G**!