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What A Crock Of Shit Site I Run

Or Maybe Access Denied...

Or perhaps I think you're too god damn stupid to understand the actual page that you requested so I gave you this error page instead. Who fucking knows? Or cares? It's even possible that I am such a capricious prick that I set up my site to randomly select visitors to get directed here instead of the link they wanted.

In any case, you're not seeing the page you requested. So here's your options turdbucket:

  • Hit your 'Back' button.
  • Select an item from the menus at the top or bottom or left of this page.
  • Wait 20 seconds for this page to redirect you.
  • Why the fuck am I even writing this list?
  • You know how the fucking internet works.
  • And if you don't, then you deserve the spyware that's downloading to your computer.
  • As well as, the credit card and social security numbers that I am taking off of it.

In conclusion, this isn't the page you wanted. If you continue to be directed here, then quit doing whatever it is you're fucking doing to be directed here.

In my experience, no one champions civil rights like a 40 year old, 240 pound, divorced fat white bitch.