Ass Deep In Team Bullshit

Jesus H. god damn fucking christ lord almighty cunt fuck shit piss whore. Now, I know I say that a lot, but this time I literally mean it. And when I literally say ‘literally’, I literally mean ‘literally’. Literally. Jesus H. god damn fucking christ lord almighty cunt fuck shit piss whore. Last week I […]

There’s No ‘I’ In ‘Shit’

For a country so in love with bravado talk about individuality, capitalism and self-determination, we sure are a bunch of socialist, communism acting pussies. Everything is a fucking team event. Not a sport mind you, an event. School projects you get put on a team, although you’re graded individually. At work there’s all kinds of […]

When I'm president I'm going to make it a law that everyone learn that the executive branch doesn't make laws. Provided of course a bill authorizing me to make that law gets introduced in the legislature, passed by both houses and delivered to me for my signature. On second thought, I'll just make it an executive order.